April 2020 Newsletter

Schull Newsletter

Issue 63 April 2020 Published by Schull & District Community Council

Welcome to the April edition of Schull District and Community Council Newsletter.

We live in interesting times. Unprecedented, tragic and distressing.

We have no terms of reference for what’s happening in the world, in our country, in our community and in our families. What is immediately obvious is that humans are resilient creatures. We have witnessed acts of amazing selflessness and courage from people who would never consider themselves as heroes. But they most definitely are heroes.

Here in Ireland we have been lucky. Our politicians have resisted the temptation to politicise the situation, they have acted together, taken expert advice and implemented it, decisively and effectively. There are rules, and we’ve been told that if we obey them it will have an effect in combating the virus. It is too soon to make a judgement on these decisions but everybody is dutifully following the government’s directives.

We are gradually getting used to the new normal. It would be impossible to list the imaginative ways in which people are supporting each other but every one of them is a testament to the inherent goodness of human beings. (There might be some questionable taste in a few of the videos that are zooming around the Internet, but having a laugh isn’t a crime, yet!)

A Persian proverb assures us that “this too shall pass” and it will. We hope that the bereaved will be consoled, those who have been ill will recover well, and those whose livelihoods have been compromised will regain their security.

PLEASE NOTE: All items marked in red in the ‘services’ and ‘amenities’ sections are updated for the Coronavirus and should be reviewed. 

Services and Amenities

The following is a list of the services and amenities that we know of that are still as of mid-April. They may be subject to change.

Brosnan’s Centra Supermarket open every day from 7am to 9pm. Home deliveries are available by phoning 028 28236 or online at Centra.ie or on the Centra App. 

Roaring Water Wholefoods Shop open from 10am to 5pm Monday to Saturday, closed for lunch from 1 to 2pm. Orders can be taken and paid for by phone if you wish to phone ahead to 028 27834. 

AIB Mobile Community Banking – Note new finishing time of 3.15pm. Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays Schull – 10:45am – 12:30pm and 1:30pm – 3:15pm. ATMs in Schull at Brosnan’s Centra.

Credit Union Schull REVISED Opening times – Tuesdays and Fridays 9:30am – 12:30 and 1:30 – 5pm as normal. CLOSED on Saturdays for now. Phone 028 28666

Post Office REVISED opening times: Monday 9.15 to 3.30, Tuesday 9.15 to 3.30, Wednesday 9.15 to 5.30, Thursday 9.15 to 3.30, Friday 8.30 to 3.30, CLOSED for lunch from 12.30 to 1.30. Open on Saturday 10am to 1.00. Because of Covid-19 some mail services to other countries have been suspended. Details can be found at www.anpost.ie 

Also special temporary measures are in place regarding Social Welfare payments. For instance you can now allow somebody else, known as a temporary agent, to collect the payment for you. Also post offies will hold all payments for you for up to 90 days. The forms and further information are available on the An Post website. 

Mizen Medical Practice all enquires and appointments please phone 028 28311. Opening hours Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. Saturday urgent calls only from 11am. Out of hours service phone SouthDoc 1850-335-999

Drinagh Pharmacy Schull Opening times: Monday to Friday 9.30 to 6pm, Saturday 9.30 to 5.30pm. Closed for lunch daily from 1.30 to 2.15pm You are requested to phone ahead to order a repeat prescription. Phone 028 – 28108 

You can also order your medicine online at and www.drinaghpharmacy.ie delivery can also be arranged. 

Schull Dental Clinic Phone 028 27636 Emergency Treatment Only. 

Schull Meals on Wheels/ Community Care For information phone 086 315 9719

Brosnan’s Hardware open Monday to Saturday from 9am to 6pm. If you are unable to visit the store you can phone 028 27724 with your order and it can be dropped to your car or delivered to your home.

Camier’s of Ballydehob Open 7.30am to 9pm Monday to Saturday and 8am to 9pm on Sunday. Phone number is 028 37414 or email camiersgala@gmail.com 

Drinagh Hardware Lowertown Open 9 to 6 Monday to Saturday for essential supplies. Petrol available 24/7 as normal.

Newman’s West are doing Takeaway Pizza, Wine and Beer on Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings. Phone 086 838 4988 to place your orders. 

Nico’s Street Kitchen at the pier road car park. Orders by phone 087 3986086. Check for opening hours.

The Townhouse O’Ds is open for Takeaway orders at the weekends. Friday and Saturday from 5pm to 9pm and Sunday from 4pm to 8pm. Special menu will be available for Easter. Phone 028 28692 to pre-order. 

Derryconnell Civic Amenity Centre – Open Tuesdays and Thursdays 9 am – 12:30 pm & 1:30 pm – 4:20 pm. Saturdays 9 am – 1 pm. Phone 028 37048 Now taking ESSENTIAL WASTE ONLY. Please note this service is subject to compliance with the conditions listed hereunder: 

› Service will be provided only for acceptance of essential waste, to discourage unnecessary journeys in compliance with the National Public Health Protection Guidelines.

› The Civic Amenity Sites will accept  normal domestic waste only, includes black bag waste for disposal, limited to three bags maximum per customer along with domestic bottles and cans for recycling. 

› Black bag waste for disposal should have the bag tied securely and then placed into a second bag and tied before arrival at the Civic Amenity Site.

No commercial vehicles or trailers will be allowed access.

› Only one person per vehicle can enter the site.

› All customers must place the waste into the receptacles themselves. Civic Amenity operatives will not be able to assist.

› Physical distancing of a minimum 2m must be observed by all customers.

› The sites will not be accepting garden waste, timber and metal waste, bulky items, WEEE, oils or paints etc, the normal €3.00 entry charge will be waived for the period of the current health protection measures  in place. 

› Payment for black bag waste will be €4.00 per bag. Weighing will not be possible as it increases the handling required.

› Customers are requested to bring the exact payment for the waste that they are bringing to site.

Cork County Council asks all service users to be mindful of these conditions and comply with the National Public Health Protection Guidelines. Stay safe and follow HSE advise.

Anna B’s Bookshop If you would like to buy some books, Katarina will arrange for them to be collected from Grove House (observing social distancing). Phone the order to 087 249 4722. 

Barnett’s of Schull Shop is closed but orders can by taken and paid for by phone and delivered locally. Phone 086 366 9151 or 086 086 0930 

East Meets West Shop is closed but orders can be made by phoning 087 706 5336 . New website www.eastmeetswestschull.com

Enibas online or by phone orders are being accepted on www.enibas.com Mon to Thursday on 028 28868 

Harbour Bay Flowers The flower shop and garden centre is closed but orders can be arranged by calling Michelle on 083 138 6035 

MCS – Mizen Computer Services can be contacted on mcs@mizenonline.com or 028 28211 and are available for printing and computer repairs. 

Pebbles Shop is closed but phone 028 28165 and one to one shopping can be arranged. 

Veterinary Clinic Tim O’Leary’s clinic is operating. Please phone ahead to make an appointment on 028 37180.

Mass Times – All Church Services are cancelled for now. Parish News, Prayers & Reflections, links to Church services as well as contact numbers for the priests of the Parish are available on www.mizenparish.com. Sunday Mass is live streamed at 11.30am on www.corkcathedral.ie 

Church of Ireland Services – . No Church services until further notice

Citizen’s Information provides information, advice and advocacy that is free and confidential. Help can be provided with filling out forms, negotiating with government departments, landlords, employers, etc. The weekly outreach clinic is temporarily closed but assistance is available over the phone. Contact details: Phone 0761 07 8390 Monday to Thursday 10am to 5pm and Friday 10am to 4pm.

Bus Times Buses are still operating to the usual Saturday timetable. Schull to Cork: Mondays – Saturdays 08:05, 12:40 and 17:50. Sunday 16:30 only. Departs from top of Main Street (outside the Film Centre/Old Bank). Also check Bus Éireann on line for up-to-date information. Route number is 237.

Schull Garda Station – Office (028) 28111 or Mobile 087 980 2865. In the case of an emergency always call 999/112.

Schull Coast Guard is on call 24/7. Call 999 or 112 if you are in trouble or if you see others that need assistance.

Schull Library is closed

Public Toilets & Showers are closed

Schull Business & Tourism Association has put a temporary hold on the printing of the Discover Schull and The Mizen Visitor Guide for now. If you have any queries in relation to this please email .committee@schull.ie

Darkness Into Light event has been postponed. However you can still donate online at www.darknessintolight.ie. If anyone has any queries please contact  Ellen Logan on 085 1078910 and you can keep up-to-date on Schulldarknessintolight Facebook page.

Fastnet Film Festival 2020 has regretfully been cancelled.

Fastnet Triathlon 2020 has also unfortunately been cancelled.


It is heartening to see the ongoing work in the two new businesses on Main Street, in spite of the current economic situation. We wish Eddie and Miriam Pyburn much success in their new location of The Vintage Room (where Modern Botany had been) and also look forward to seeing Holly and Nico’s new restaurant when it opens. An-rath orthu.

BE SAFE but have fun! 

This newsletter can be viewed online @ www.schullcommunitycouncil.ie or www.schull.ie 


Coronavirus COVID19 

Are you self-isolating? Do you require assistance & support in the Mizen area?

Contact Mizen Volunteer Community Outreach for:

  • Medicine delivery
  • Delivery of small packages

Call/Text with your Eircode to 087 3612691/ 087 3614507 Monday – Saturday 10.30am-5.30pm

*Please ensure that any payments are made prior to our collection.

Other important numbers:

  • GP Schull – Mizen Medical Practice: 028 28311
  • Drinagh Pharmacy Schull:028 28108
  • Public Health Nurse: 028 27353
  • Meals on Wheels: 086 3159719
  • South Doc 1850 335 999 (Out of hours only)

If you wish to volunteer or assist in any way please contact Mizen Volunteer Community Outreach



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